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Our Misssion:

We aim to bring awareness to the original St. Albert Métis Settlement, it's original Métis families, Land Reconciliation, Residential Schools, Métis culture, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, and Métis history; plus provide programs and services for our Youth and Elders in the areas of sports, art, music, dance, and work & food initiatives (amongst others).

About Us

Creating Meaningful Impact

The mandate of our Association is:  to recapture, celebrate and highlight our Métis culture, to identify and honour our Elders, to identify our Youth to ensure the future preservation of our culture, and to encourage all Métis members of the community to get involved.

Our Team


The OGs:


The St. Albert Riverlot Metis Association Executive are all proud descendants from the original St. Albert Métis Settlement families.  Our President, April Dalcourt-Jones (maiden name Beauregard) and Vice President, Kim W. Beauregard, are the Great Grand Daughter and Great Grand Son of Charles Beauregard and Marie Bellerose, Riverlot #43. Our Treasurer, Jackson Meekes (mother's maiden name L'Hirondelle) and our Secretary are the Great Great Grand Son and the Great Great Grand Daughter of the L'Hirondelle families, Riverlots #8 & #12.  Kishchee Tey Mo'yawn Aen Li Michif Wi'yawn ( Proud to be Métis)!

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